




Fotolia #245359419 (Hochwasser und Wasserschaden im Haus) | Urheber: Jürgen Fälchle
Fotolia #198204335 (Parents Running Along Beach With Children On Summer)| Urheber: Monkey Business
Fotolia #164655300 (A young brunette man in a black T-shirt is sawing a tree) | Urheber: Виталий Сова
Fotolia #3197215 (engineering student marking blueprints) | Urheber: Lisa F. Young
Fotolia #65739173 (Hacked symbol on computer circuit board with open) | Urheber: weerapat1003
Fotolia #1018693 (check-up) | Urheber: Alx
Fotolia #7660227 (Familienglueck) | Urheber: Udo Kroener
Fotolia #2983644 (Bride and groom holding champagne glasses) | Urheber: iofoto
Fotolia #82500533 (Family have fun together) | Urheber: drubig-photo
Fotolia #946195 (flowers for grandma) | Urheber: Marzanna Syncerz
Fotolia #8895011 (senior couple in garden at leisure with laptop compute) | Urheber: Alexander Raths
Fotolia #4842320 (Traffic accident and to drivers fighting) | Urheber: Vuk Vukmirovic
Fotolia #94886170 (Healthy and fit women doing fitness) | Urheber: Flamingo Images
Fotolia #133402183 (Bartender waiter with a kettle and mug of coffee tea ) | Urheber: Studio Romantic